
Protect the life you want, for those that matter most.

A life insurance policy can help provide financial security for your loved ones by covering expenses like the mortgage, college tuition, and other everyday living costs.


Finding the right life insurance products can be challenging in today’s insurance environment.

GC Financial Group can help you secure your family’s financial future by providing the funds they need to: cover burial expenses, uninsured medical bills, pay off your mortgage and other outstanding debts, and maintain a comfortable standard of living.

There are a variety of life insurance policies that we can provide. The kind of policy you choose depends on your needs. Whether you are in excellent health or not, we can find you the best plan at the best possible price. From low amounts for funeral costs or multimillion dollar coverage, we will work with you to get you the best plan.

Burial Coverage

Burial insurance helps to quickly provide the funds needed for your loved ones funeral needs. It is quick and easy to qualify for and most plans start immediately. Coverage amounts usually range from as low as $2000 up to $35,000

Term Life

Term life insurance can provide more bang for your buck for your temporary needs like a mortgage, college fund, or protect your income in the event of an early death of a loved one. You can choose term guarantees of 10, 15, 20 and 30 years. Some carriers offer more options and coverage amounts can range from $25,000 to millions, if needed.

Whole Life

Whole life insurance can give you the long term guarantees you need and builds cash value. Most plans provide immediate benefits, and an easy enrollment process with limited underwriting. Benefit amounts can range from $5,000 to $100,000.

College Funding

As college costs are expected to continue climbing, let an insurance professional help you plan for your child's education expenses. Life insurance can be vital in helping you save college funds for your children. Whether you're there or not.

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